A New Leaf
Matthew Durkin
Years of spiritual drought, plagued my soul...
Sold to illusions, both empty and shallow...
In depressed misery, sadly I wallowed...
Unable to feel…
Numb and hollow...
Oh, I was so confused as to why..?
Why so early, was my well running dry..?
For creating me, I cursed my parents...
For sustaining me, I cursed the earth...
I cursed the women I loved...
I cursed my own self-worth...
Then came the day...
When all my ambition, had eventually, evaporated away...
Thoughts of dying uplifted me...
Be it suicide, or accidentally...
Unchained from the suffering...
Released and set free...
In morbid fantasy I withdrew, from the agony of my reality...
Doubt filled despair...
Angry and without care...
Negatively charged friction, alas, my air...
Darker and lower...
Aging quicker, while dying slower...
I prayed for it to be over...
With long suffering, my prayers were answered...
Though not a car crash, a short rope, or cancer...
It was the bottom, which for so long, I had sought after...
And finally succeeded...
A reason to look up, was all I ever needed...
After all, there is only one way to go, after the fall...
Through the dark, I began to see, foot holds, and hand holds, in front of me...
Slowly I started to climb...
One move at a time...
Trial & error...
Success is reached, only through failure...
It seems long ago...
Four years since I awakened, or so...
Set free of the eddy, downstream I began to flow…
In the now I am at peace, and my future aglow...
Bringing the gift of water, helping future seeds to sow...
From drops to buckets, life is filling my well...
Flooding me with love, as I float away from my hell...