Peel The Artichoke
By: Penny Wilkes
Friendship is an artichoke
all layered in secrets.
Hear the cricket snap of leaves
petals tipped in silky maroon.
White whiskers protect
the heart.
Cook warm,
squirt a tang of sweet lemon.
Push your tongue to savor the green,
see how the leaves fall away.
Once at the heart,
ah the tingle, the sheen.
Penny Wilkes, MFA served as a science editor, travel and nature writer and columnist. Along with short stories, and poetry, her features on humor and animal behavior have appeared in a variety of publications. An award-winning writer and poet, she has published a collection of short stories, Seven Smooth Stones. Her published poetry collections include: Whispers from the Land, In Spite of War, and Flying Lessons. Her Blog on The Write Life features life skills, creativity, and writing: www.penjaminswriteway.blogspot.com/